Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

By Lisa Zamosky, Special to LifeScript
Friday, May 23, 2008

Even if you never reach for the salt shaker, your diet may contain too much salt. Prepared and preserved foods often contain very high levels of sodium, which, if consumed in excess, can foster high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. And while many of us are in the habit of checking labels for calories or fat content, too few of us scroll down to take a look at the amount of sodium our products contain. The FDA suggests we take in no more than 2,300 milligrams (2.3 grams) of salt each day. But just how much salt is that? Surprise: It’s the equivalent of only one teaspoon! If you have high blood pressure or are an older adult, you should be aiming to take in no more than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day. Being cautious about your salt intake is an important part of your long-term health. Try these five tips to lower your salt intake:

1. Avoid foods that are canned, frozen or packaged since these foods are usually preserved using sodium. If you can’t avoid them, try low-sodium options.

2. Use spices rather than salt to flavor your food when cooking. Mrs. Dash seasonings are a great choice for sodium-free flavor enhancing.

3. Limit your intake of cured foods, such as ham, bacon and pickles, all of which are swimming in sodium.

4. Look out for salt hiding in some of your favorite condiments. Soy sauce and ketchup, for example, are very high in sodium.

5. Reduce the amount of salt you cook with by 50% to start, and then try to move to 100% salt-free cooking.

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

By Lisa Zamosky, Special to LifeScript
Friday, May 23, 2008

Even if you never reach for the salt shaker, your diet may contain too much salt. Prepared and preserved foods often contain very high levels of sodium, which, if consumed in excess, can foster high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. And while many of us are in the habit of checking labels for calories or fat content, too few of us scroll down to take a look at the amount of sodium our products contain. The FDA suggests we take in no more than 2,300 milligrams (2.3 grams) of salt each day. But just how much salt is that? Surprise: It’s the equivalent of only one teaspoon! If you have high blood pressure or are an older adult, you should be aiming to take in no more than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day. Being cautious about your salt intake is an important part of your long-term health. Try these five tips to lower your salt intake:

1. Avoid foods that are canned, frozen or packaged since these foods are usually preserved using sodium. If you can’t avoid them, try low-sodium options.

2. Use spices rather than salt to flavor your food when cooking. Mrs. Dash seasonings are a great choice for sodium-free flavor enhancing.

3. Limit your intake of cured foods, such as ham, bacon and pickles, all of which are swimming in sodium.

4. Look out for salt hiding in some of your favorite condiments. Soy sauce and ketchup, for example, are very high in sodium.

5. Reduce the amount of salt you cook with by 50% to start, and then try to move to 100% salt-free cooking.

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Sodium

By Lisa Zamosky, Special to LifeScript
Friday, May 23, 2008

Even if you never reach for the salt shaker, your diet may contain too much salt. Prepared and preserved foods often contain very high levels of sodium, which, if consumed in excess, can foster high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. And while many of us are in the habit of checking labels for calories or fat content, too few of us scroll down to take a look at the amount of sodium our products contain. The FDA suggests we take in no more than 2,300 milligrams (2.3 grams) of salt each day. But just how much salt is that? Surprise: It’s the equivalent of only one teaspoon! If you have high blood pressure or are an older adult, you should be aiming to take in no more than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day. Being cautious about your salt intake is an important part of your long-term health. Try these five tips to lower your salt intake:

1. Avoid foods that are canned, frozen or packaged since these foods are usually preserved using sodium. If you can’t avoid them, try low-sodium options.

2. Use spices rather than salt to flavor your food when cooking. Mrs. Dash seasonings are a great choice for sodium-free flavor enhancing.

3. Limit your intake of cured foods, such as ham, bacon and pickles, all of which are swimming in sodium.

4. Look out for salt hiding in some of your favorite condiments. Soy sauce and ketchup, for example, are very high in sodium.

5. Reduce the amount of salt you cook with by 50% to start, and then try to move to 100% salt-free cooking.

A Whey to Weight Loss

A Whey to Weight Loss

By Jorge Cruise, LifeScript Fitness Coach
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Little Miss Muffet must’ve been trying to lose a few pounds when she famously ate her whey. Whey has been around for ages, and as it so happens, whey protein is a weight-loss all-star. Whey is the best supplemental form of protein to maximize your retention of fat-burning lean muscle tissue. It also has the highest bio-absorption levels. This means your body’s muscles will stay more structurally supported and your metabolism revved. But the advantages of whey don’t stop there. You’ll also benefit from a strengthened immune system, increased satiety and reduced cortisol levels (a stress hormone). Whey protein should not take the place of regular meals, but it can be consumed as a snack up to two to three times a day. I love a scoop of chocolate whey protein powder blended in water with ice as a delicious 100-calorie snack drink.






绿茶的保健作用已为大家熟知,而且随着国际上对绿茶保健作用研究的越来越深入,绿茶似乎已经成了很多人养生保健的不二选择。很多人整天是茶杯不离手,绿茶不离口,早上一起床也有人把喝上一杯绿茶当成习惯。但国家茶叶质量监督检验中心副研究员翁昆提醒:空腹喝绿茶,对肠胃保健不利。  翁昆说,绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶,较多地保留了鲜叶内的天然物质,其中茶多酚、咖啡碱能保留鲜叶的85%以上,绿茶中的成分,对于防衰老、防癌、抗癌、杀菌、消炎等确实有效果,是其他茶叶无法比拟的。但是,也正是这些天然成分,如果在空腹状态下饮用,会对人体产生不利影响。空腹时,茶叶中的部分活性物质会与胃中的蛋白结合,对胃形成刺激,容易伤胃。

除了会对胃肠有刺激,空腹喝茶还会使消化液被冲淡,影响消化。同时,空腹时,茶里的一些物质容易被过量吸收,比如咖啡碱和氟。咖啡碱会使部分人群出现心慌、头昏、手脚无力、心神恍惚等症状,医学上称之为“茶醉”现象。一旦发生茶醉现象,可以吃一块糖或喝上一杯糖水,上述症状即可缓解并消失。氟如果在体内蓄积过多,则可能引发肠道疾病,影响肾功能。  患有胃、十二指肠溃疡的中老年人,更不宜清晨空腹饮绿茶,茶叶中的鞣酸会刺激胃肠黏膜,导致病情加重,还可能引起消化不良或便秘。

Breathe From Your Belly

Breathe From Your Belly

By Jorge Cruise, LifeScript Fitness Coach
Thursday, May 22, 2008

It’s a crucial part of living but so simple a mechanism that it’s often ignored. Breathing gives our body the oxygen it needs. But there are also some fantastic psychological benefits to breathing. Without enough oxygen, you become lethargic, tired and depressed. However, taking full, deep breaths can heighten your energy and focus. When you increase your oxygen levels, you not only increase your energy level, but also dramatically improve your mood. Plain and simple, you just feel better! The secret behind effective breathing is learning how to breathe from your belly. You will love how it makes you feel. The key to belly breathing is to use your diaphragm, the dome-shaped muscle located under your lungs. When you breathe in, you will notice that your belly wants to expand. Retract your belly as you exhale and move the used oxygen out of your lungs. Do your belly-breathing exercises several times a day, especially when you feel worn out. Try to sneak in belly breaths whenever possible – during your morning commute, at your desk at work, or while you’re relaxing on the couch.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Midnight Munchies? They, Too, Will Pass

Midnight Munchies? They, Too, Will Pass

By Jorge Cruise, LifeScript Fitness Coach
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Do you sometimes lust after bowlfuls of ice cream while lying in bed at night? As pleasurable as answering that craving may seem, chances are you’ll soon forget about your object of yearning. Most food cravings last only 10 minutes and then subside. Cravings often are your body’s cries for water and oxygen. So during those 10 minutes, drink a glass of water with lemon and take a few deep breaths. By giving your body these essentials, you can get through a craving without committing a diet slip-up. You might want to change activities to clear your mind and distract yourself. Go for a walk, or call a friend. By the time you’re done, chances are that fleeting craving will be behind you.

Your coach,Jorge Cruise

Friday, May 2, 2008


贵州女寿星114岁走过三个时代 每天吃1斤半饭

贵州女寿星114岁走过三个时代 每天吃1斤半饭(图)
倍可亲 京港台时间:05/03 向您播报 消息来源:贵州都市报 打印版
贵州都市报5月2日报道 在贵州从江县月亮山、东朗乡分居寨只不过是弹丸之地,但却远近闻名,因为村寨里生活着一位已有114岁高龄老人。黔东南州老龄部门最近的一次普查显示,这位叫高务虽的老人是全黔东南州“老寿星”之最。近日,记者远赴从江,拜访了这位“老寿星”。


























