Monday, September 22, 2008

Eat a Rainbow of Flavors

Eat a Rainbow of Flavors
By Dr. Maoshing Ni, LifeScript Natural Health Specialist
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sure, it is easy to eat the same foods all the time, but it’s time to try something new. Variety is not just the “spice of life”; it is also an important way to keep your internal organs healthy. Eating the exact same foods – even if they are natural fruits, vegetables and grains – seven days a week is not healthy for you. It sets our bodies up for imbalances that can lead to disease. Don’t turn your digestive system into a septic breeding ground. Mix things up! According to the Chinese medical tradition, there are five elemental energies that make up our universe, as well as our bodies. These energies are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each of these energies has a corresponding color. For instance, wood corresponds to green; fire to red; earth to yellow and orange; metal to white; and water to black, blue, and purple. A balanced diet consists of eating foods of every color, every day.
Live long, strong and happy,Dr. Mao

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