Saturday, January 24, 2009

Protein: the Secret for EAting Less

Protein: the Secret for EAting Less

By now, most people know that eating more fiber is a great way to stay full all day long and keep hunger pangs to a minimum. But did you know that consuming enough protein will keep you away from the candy jar as well? Because fat is the slowest nutrient to leave the stomach, researchers used to assume that eating enough of it was the key to feeling full. However, French fries and donuts, which are high in fats but also high in processed carbs and sugar, don’t do a thing to satiate you. In fact, they’ll do the opposite, taking you on an energy high and bringing you in for a crash landing, leaving you fatigued and famished. By contrast, the protein found in foods like turkey, eggs and nuts will satisfy your hunger, render you less likely to snack later on, and won’t leave you ravenous like common junk foods do. Eat lean protein with every meal and snack and you’ll have a better chance of staying full until it’s mealtime again. Here’s the proof that protein fills you up: Women can down a family-sized bag of potato chips or crackers because simple carbs of this kind don’t do anything to appease hunger. But have you ever heard of someone bingeing on a whole steak, a dozen eggs or a family-sized package of nuts? We didn’t think so. In addition to controlling your cravings, protein is essential for building bone, muscle and skin. It also keeps your hair shiny and strong. Just don’t fall for the myth that consuming massive amounts of protein will automatically lead to fat loss. Keeping your diet balanced is the key to getting the body you want, preserving your health and looking your best.

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